The Jewish spy: being a philosophical, historical and critical correspondence: by letters which lately pass'd between certain Jews in Turkey, Italy, France, etc. Translated from the originals into French, by the Marquis d'Argens ; and now done into English. - T. 1 - 5. London: D. Browne and R. Hett, 1739-1740.
Erste englische Übersetzung der Lettres juives (3. Auflage dieser Ausgabe: 1766). Das Erscheinen der einzelnen Bände und späterer Auflagen wurde in der englischen Tagespresse annonciert. Band 1 erschien am 8. Mai 1739:
"On Tuesday the 8th of May will be publish'd,
(In a Pocket Volume, Price 3 s. with Froitispieces, and
other Ornaments, neatly engrav'd) THE Jewish Spy: Being a Philosophical, Historical and Critical Correspondence by Letters which lately pass'd between certain JEWS in Turky, Italy, France, &c which treat not only of ancient and modern Philosophy, History, and other Parts or Learning, but of the religious Sects and Ceremonies in the several Countries, and of their various Systems of Politicks, and Forms of Government, both Spiritual and Temporal; together with the Manners and Customs of the Courts and Cities which they travell'd through. Interspers'd with many curious
and diverting Incidents of Love and Gallantry. Translated from the Original Letters into French by the
Marquess D'Argens, and now done into English.
Printed for D. Browne at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar; and R. Hett at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry."
(London Evening Post, Saturday, April 21, 1739, Issue 1785, p. 3)
Eine weitere Übersetzung erschien 1739-1744 unter dem Titel Jewish letters in Newcastle im Verlag James Fleming (Druck bei J. White).